Abstract Confusions

Complexity is not a cause of confusion. It is a result of it.

Tag Archives: Revolutionist

My Favorite Mathematicians

History of humanity is full of stories about achievements of outstanding men and women. It is even more interesting and captivating when we read about mathematicians. I will try to list down the great people of mathematics who were the driving force of conceptual thinking and intellectual advancement of mathematics. This is in continuation with a story I wrote some time ago.

Earliest Mathematicians

No one know where the first class in mathematics was held. But all of us know for pretty sure what could have been the first theorem proved. Pre historic math was used for studying geometry and planetary. Greeks mastered this field of mathematics. Euclid, Aristotle, Archimedes and Pythagoras were the most noted mathematicians. They all are philosophers too. For good, once, a great mastery over written and oratory skill of a language was needed to practice mathematics.

In India, Baskara wrote Lilavati, a book written in poetic verses about mathematics. But the scene shifted slowly. As math became more abstract words and verses gave away to numbers and symbols. Read more of this post